Isabel Meyrelles: Qual de nós os fantasmas” exhibition opens on 23 June.

15 June, 2023

On 23 June, at 6pm, the Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Municipal Museum opened the exhibition “Isabel Meyrelles: Qual de nós os fantasmas”, a tittle based on a poem by the sculptor and poet. Born in Matosinhos, Isabel Meyrelles lives in Paris. At the age of 93, she continues to work and is enchanted by words, clay, fairies and elves.

Associated with the surrealist movement, Isabel Meyrelles spent time with Mário Cesariny, Cruzeiro Seixas and Alexandre O´Neill, and studied sculpture with Américo Gomes and António Duarte. She moved to Paris in 1950 to study at the “Escola Nacional Superior das Belas Artes” and in the “Universidade Paris-Sorbonne”.

Author of five poetic works - "Em voz Baixa" (1951), "Palavras Noturnas" (1954), "Rosto Deserto" (1966), "Livro do Tigre" (1976) and "Mensageiro do Sonhos" (2004) - Isabel Meyrelles was honoured by the President of the Republic in 2009 with the rank of Commander of the Military Order of Sant'Iago de Espada.

The exhibition at the ASCMM, curated by Marlene Oliveira, will feature 49 sculptures.

"Isabel Meyrelles: Qual de nós os fantasmas" is a partnership with the Cupertino de Miranda Foundation and can be visited until 27 August at the ASCMM.

Temporary closure of the Museum store
27 December, 2024

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We inform you that the Museum will continue to operate as usual...

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6 December, 2024

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