“Sons no Museu” brings students from the Amarante Cultural Center Conservatory to the stage

29 September, 2022

The “Sons no Museu” showcase cycle, which has been livening up the evenings at the Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Museum since April – showcasing the space´s strengths, increasing the cultural offer and creating new habits – comes to an end next Friday, the 21st, with a show by the students of the Amarante Cultural Center Conservatory.

On stage will be the CCA Camerata directed by Professor Valter Palma; the Violin Ensemble, directed by Professor Catarina Pinto; and a trio composed of clarinet, saxophone and double bass, directed by Professor Valter Palma.

The CCA Camerata will perform “A Handel Celebration” (G.F HANDEL), “Somewhere in my memory”, and “Little Symphony For Strings” (C. Reinecke). The Violin Ensemble will play “Departure” (Ch. Dancla) and the trio “Bagatelle” (A. Dvorak).

The show starts at 6:30 om in the MMASC cloister and admission is free.

It´s worth remembering that “Sounds in the Museum” has featured Solaris, the duo Emanuel Azevedo and Névio Silva, Modulatus, Mariana Dalot, and Aníbal Zola.

Temporary closure of the Museum store
27 December, 2024

Due to the annual inventory being carried out, the Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Municipal Museum Store will be closed from January 2nd to 7th, 2025.
We inform you that the Museum will continue to operate as usual...

Exhibition "António Carneiro - O retratista de almas" until january 2025
6 December, 2024

Until January 2025, the exhibition "António Carneiro - O retratista de almas" will be on view at the Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Municipal Museum, composed of portraits and self-portraits by Antó...

Exhibition “Montagem #1/ Assembly #1”
6 December, 2024

Until January 2025, it is possible to visit the exhibition “Montagem #1/ Assembly #1”, the first in which the museum proposes, in a shameless and simple way, the visit to its collection through the enco...


Alameda Teixeira de Pascoaes
4600-011 Amarante - Portugal
+351 255 420 282 (Service/Reception)
+351 255 420 262 (Educational Project)


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