Unesco Art Camp looks for Portuguese Ambassador Artist

26 July, 2022

The Maltese National Commission for UNESCO invited Portugal to participate in the 4 Art Camp edition, an initiative developed in colaboration with Andorra National Commission for UNESCO, which will take place from the 5 to the 17 of November, 2022 in Mellieha, Malta.

The Art Camp is an international forum which will congregate artists from all around the world, with the purpose to create a show of original and truly creative works of art and to enhance the principal values defended by UNESCO, such as the peace sustainability and the protection and the promotion of diversity of cultural expressions. While staying in Malta, the artists will get involved in an unique cultural exchange and they will also be invited to present their own cultures throughout their artistic creations, gastronomy, language, music, dance, national costums.

In this Art Camp, sponsored by the contemporary artist Hedva Ser, UNESCO’s artist for peace, only one artist per country can participate, within a maximum of 20 participants in total. The artist “Ambassador of Portugal” must have more than 18 years and be able to create, at the very least, three original works during their stay of 10 days in Malta.

Those interested should fill in the Registration Form (here) and send it to the UNESCO National Commission (cnu@mne.pt), together with a curriculum vitae and a  portfolio with three of their last works (at the latest), until the 5 of August.

In addition, the organisation will be responsible for the costs of stay, feeding and the artists’ materials. The artists should only insure the costs of relocation.

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4600-011 Amarante - Portugal
+351 255 420 282 (Service/Reception)
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