Municipal Museum presents exhibition "António Cardoso, Director... 'desde que nasci..."

28 April, 2022

The exhibition "António Cardoso, Director... 'Desde que nasci...'" is open to the public until January 31, 2023, at the Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Municipal Museum. Made up of works by Professor António Cardoso donated to the ASCMM, this exhibition - which is also a tribute - features paintings, drawings and official and personal documents that will help you understand it.

"This exhibition is part of the just recognition of Professor António Cardoso, who accompanied the process of creating the Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Municipal Museum in its first decades and who directed it, very distinctively, until the end of his days," says José Luís Gaspar, Mayor of Amarante. This recognition was shared by Laura Castro, Regional Director of Culture for the North and close to António Cardoso, in the exhibition's introductory text: "António Cardoso is part of the history of this museum. He knew its role in Amarante, he knew its works by heart, the evolution of its space and its program."

António Cardoso passed away in June 2021, at the age of 89. An Amarantino of Excellence, he left a legacy that extends far beyond the borders of the municipality. He graduated as a primary school teacher in 1941, studied painting at the Alvarez Academy and attended the Porto School of Fine Arts. He presented school television programs and was a director for Televisão Educativa and Telescola before 1974. He was a member of the Ministry of Education's Commission for the renewal of the Evaluation System for Primary and Secondary School Students.

He graduated in History from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto in 1974, where he went on to do a PhD in Art History with a thesis on the architect José Marques da Silva. From 1981 onwards, he taught at the Faculty and represented it on the Heritage Commission of Porto City Council between 1996 and 2001.

From the 1990s until his death, he was director of the MMASC and was responsible for editing the first catalog of the museum's collection, published in 1997. António Cardoso was also a painter. He held several solo exhibitions and took part in numerous group shows. He was awarded the Art Critics Prize for the Portuguese Representation at the 1 Paris Biennale in 1959.

Professor, museologist, lecturer and art critic, António Cardoso was a member of the Portuguese Association of Museology, the Regional Association of Cultural and Natural Heritage and the Portuguese section of the International Association of Art Critics.
The exhibition "António Cardoso, Director... 'desde que nasci...'" can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday, between 9.30am and 12.30pm, and from 2pm to 5.30pm.

Temporary closure of the Museum store
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4600-011 Amarante - Portugal
+351 255 420 282 (Service/Reception)
+351 255 420 262 (Educational Project)


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