The exhibition "António Cardoso, Director... desde que nasci..." can be visited from Tuesday to Sund

27 April, 2022

The Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Municipal Museum is one of the 13 Museums and Contemporary Art and Architecture Centers in the Northern region that make up the RPAC - Norte (Portuguese Contemporary Art Network), created to enhance the territorial value of four tourist destinations: Porto, Douro, Minho and Trás-os-Montes.

Promoted by the Direção Regional de Cultura do Norte, with the support of Turismo do Porto e Norte de Portugal, this initiative is co-financed by EU funds and will showcase more than 11,000 works of art, available in 11 cities in the north of the country.

"The integration of dissemination and collaboration networks is fundamental for enriching the work carried out by cultural institutions. For Amarante, and in particular the Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Municipal Museum, these networks are strategic in enhancing its artistic and cultural heritage," said Rosário Correia Machado, director of the Culture department of the Municipality of Amarante, during the technical visit to the museum on the 9th. These visits were made to all the museums and centers involved, namely: Fundação Cupertino de Miranda (Famalicão), Casa da Arquitectura/Centro Português de Arquitectura and Casa do Design (Matosinhos), Centro de Arte Contemporânea Graça Morais (Bragança), Centro de Arte Oliva (São João da Madeira), Fundação Marques da Silva and Fundação de Serralves (Porto), Lugar do Desenho - Fundação Júlio Resende (Gondomar), Museu Bienal de Cerveira (Cerveira), Museu de Arte Contemporânea Nadir Afonso (Chaves) and Museu Internacional de Escultura Contemporânea (Santo Tirso).

It should also be noted that the aims of this cultural project are to produce content for national and foreign audiences, to hold multimedia exhibitions, to promote actions with tour operators in order to attract the so-called domestic public from all over the country, but also to attract new audiences, particularly from Spanish border regions, to learn about distinctive tourist and cultural route.

The formal presentation of RPAC - Norte took place at BTL - Lisbon Tourism Exchange, on March 17th.

Temporary closure of the Museum store
27 December, 2024

Due to the annual inventory being carried out, the Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Municipal Museum Store will be closed from January 2nd to 7th, 2025.
We inform you that the Museum will continue to operate as usual...

Exhibition "António Carneiro - O retratista de almas" until january 2025
6 December, 2024

Until January 2025, the exhibition "António Carneiro - O retratista de almas" will be on view at the Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Municipal Museum, composed of portraits and self-portraits by Antó...

Exhibition “Montagem #1/ Assembly #1”
6 December, 2024

Until January 2025, it is possible to visit the exhibition “Montagem #1/ Assembly #1”, the first in which the museum proposes, in a shameless and simple way, the visit to its collection through the enco...


Alameda Teixeira de Pascoaes
4600-011 Amarante - Portugal
+351 255 420 282 (Service/Reception)
+351 255 420 262 (Educational Project)


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