Lives and works in Porto. PhD from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto and with two pre-Bologna bachelor degrees from the University of Porto, she developed a project in the Faculty of Fine Arts that continued after graduating in Fine Arts. As an artist and researcher, she works with audiences and engages in interaction. His work includes video, painting, drawing, installations composed of metaphorical microscopy materials. About his work wrote Manuel Sobrinho Simões, João Lobo Antunes, Mário Cláudio, António Pinho Vargas, Álvaro Siza among others.
Represented in the Champalimaud Foundation, the Berardo Collection Museum, the Douro Museum, the Treasury-Museum of the Braga Cathedral, the D. Diogo de Sousa Museum, museums of the University of Porto and other museums in the country and in the institutes: IPATIMUP, i3S, Molecular Medicine Institute and the Gulbenkian.
Alameda Teixeira de Pascoaes
4600-011 Amarante - Portugal
+351 255 420 282 (Service/Reception)
+351 255 420 262 (Educational Project)
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